Founders' Day: A Celebration of Student Scholarship

Founders' Day is when the University of Portland pauses to celebrate its rich past and its promising future: the past as we honor the bold leaders who dared to dream of a Catholic university overlooking the Willamette River; the future as we learn from our most outstanding seniors whose research as undergraduates portends great things for the future.  In recognition of the importance of both the past and the future, the University holds no classes on a Tuesday in April and instead opens its doors to all to learn from our best and brightest students.

Founders' Day was an annual event dating back to the origins of the University.  It was revitalized in 2001 as a part of the University’s centennial celebration.  It has continued to grow since then and now is kicked off with an awards breakfast for graduating seniors, followed by senior presentations, panel discussions, recitals, and the Scholarship Luncheon, where students who receive financial aid from scholarships meet the benefactors whose generosity has helped them attend the University. 

Founders' Day 2025 - Tuesday, April 8

503.943.8264 |

The Office of Undergraduate Scholarly Engagement is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

We are located in Buckley Center 114.