Brian Fabien

Dean, Shiley School of Engineering

Brian FabienBrian Fabien is a professor of mechanical engineering, an expert in dynamic systems modeling and has worked in the private sector. He received his Ph.D., master of philosophy, and master of science in mechanical engineering from Columbia University in New York City and a bachelor of engineering with honors from the City College of New York. Before being appointed dean of the Shiley School of Engineering, Brian served as associate dean for academic affairs in the College of Engineering at the University of Washington. Prior to his arrival in the University of Washington system in 1993, Brian held professorships at the University of the West Indies and Ohio University. A corporate career in engineering preceded academia, highlighted by his role as the lead mechanical engineer overseeing the guidance sensors for the famed Hubble Space Telescope. Other industry posts include Xerox Corporation, PerkinElmer, and Textron, Inc. (Lycoming Engines Division).