Jose Reyna

Visiting Instructor, Biology

Jose ReynaPrior to joining UP, Jose Reyna spent eight years as an assistant professor at Pacific University in Hillsboro, Oregon in the School of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training, where he primarily taught the human anatomy lab, as well as courses in biomechanics and clinical internships. He served as the lead clinical provider within the department's faculty practice and was a frequent guest lecturer for the School of Physician Assistant Studies. His primary areas of interest are outpatient orthopedics and neurological rehabilitation. Jose has received grants relevant to enhancing an evidence based walking program specific to addressing the complications associated with arthritis. He co-authored a book chapter on musculoskeletal interventions for non-arthritic conditions of the hip in geriatric populations and recently co-authored an article on the evidence for transient receptor potential channel contribution to arthritis pain and pathogenesis. Jose was recognized in 2018 by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties and granted the title of orthopedic certified specialist (OCS.) He is an active member of the American Physical Therapy Association and the Oregon Physical Therapy Association (OPTA.) He currently serves on the Cultural and Minority Affairs committee within OPTA. A native Oregonian, Jose enjoys spending time with his family, volunteering for meaningful causes, long distance running, and pursuing salmon or steelhead.