Maria Wilcoxson, M.S.N.

Instructor, School of Nursing & Health Innovations

Maria Wilcoxson

Maria Wilcoxson graduated from Oregon Health & Sciences University (OHSU) with her B.S.N. in 2001 after obtaining her nursing degree at Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) in 1999. Pediatrics has always been a passion for her, starting as a C.N.A. in the pediatric ICU then transitioning to her R.N. role, remaining there for 20 years. Other nursing positions have included pediatric nephrology and pediatric sedation services. Maria also has a passion for teaching, obtaining her M.N. in nursing education at Washington State University. Since then, she taught clinical at MHCC, Linfield and University of Portland before leaving OHSU and focusing on teaching full time. Her teaching philosophy is a combination of evidence-based practice and experiential based practice learning. She believes there is a balance between the two and that showing this to students will help them grow through nursing school and beyond. Helping students learning to confidently think critically about each patient and situation with the information patients present to them is a goal of Maria’s. When she is not working, Maria enjoys camping with her family, traveling with friends, and reading a great book by the fire.
