Category: Events and Activities

What is a reasonable timeline for planning an event?

Create a Timeline. When tackling a project, it’s often a good strategy to develop a personal timeline that specifies when certain tasks need to be completed and in what order you plan to complete them. Below is a general event-planning timeline. Feel free to customize this checklist to include the specific needs for your group’s activity.

Depending on the size of the event (100 or more attending), schedule a meeting with the Office of Student Activities to review the proposed activity details. This meeting helps ensure you have all of the information you need to plan a successful event and comply with University policies.

Six or More Weeks Before Event - Goal Setting
  • Define goals of program (cultural, educational, faculty, community service, social)
  • Brainstorm program ideas, keeping in mind target audience
  • Be honest: Do you have enough “advance time” to do this event?
Four Weeks Before Event - Program Development
  • Determine the needs/interests the program will serve
  • Determine how this program meets organization’s goals/mission
  • Determine budget for program
  • Determine division of responsibilities within your group and with other groups when appropriate.
Three to Four Weeks Before Event - Program Registration/Approval and Choosing Dates
  • Check for conflicts with major campus events, activities of group members, etc. To do so, please visit the Engage events page as well as the campus master calendar
  • Reserve room for a specified date 
  • Identify speaker/performer
  • Ask about contract requirements. Do not make a personal contractual commitment—if you do, you may be personally liable for the contract fee).
  • Find out technical/media requirements
  • Request promotional materials from speaker/performer (if applicable—create your own publicity for the event in either case)
Three Weeks Before Event - Event Notification Form, Party Notification Form, Catering/Food Policy & Publicity
  • Fill out the Event Submission Form through your groups Engage page. An event or party is approved when the Office of Student Activities approves the form on Engage.
  • If your event has a food service please consult with the Bon Appetit in advance of contracting the caterer and/or deciding on any food options. All events with food must be approved at least two weeks in advance and must comply with the University’s Catering Policy.
One to Two Weeks Before Event - Forms and Supplies
  • Ensure that Event Submission Form through your groups Engage page has been completed and is registered with the Student Activities Office. This should be done two weeks before an event.
  • Once the event has been approved by the Office of Student Activities: Advertise to group members and rest of student body via e-mail, word of mouth, flyers/posters, social media, Announcements, ADvantage digital boards, etc.
  • Coordinate hospitality for speaker/performer (if applicable)
  • Plan decorations
One Week Before Event
  • Send reminders to group members and people who’ve RSVPed through social media
  • Purchase decorations
  • Figure out how you’re paying for the event–e-mail ASUP about their credit card if applicable
Day Before Event
  • Send reminder to presenter, group members and people who’ve RSVPed through social media
  • Reconfirm any materials/equipment (AV, tables, chairs, etc.)
  • Purchase non-perishable food as well as cups, plates, napkins, utensils
Day of Event
  • Pick up any final food/materials
  • Decorate
  • Remove any valuables, such as artwork, that you think may be damaged
  • Walk through the building 15 minutes before the event to recruit additional participants
After Event
  • Clean up space used and take down all advertising/flyers/posters
  • Send thank you notes to speaker/performer, volunteers, and other special people (including funding sources)
  • Finalize budget expenditures—submit honorarium, all itemized receipts, purchase order copies, etc. to ASUP director of finance