Category: Finances and Fundraising
There are several ways to receive the funds that have been allocated to your club. The easiest and preferred method is to have the ASUP Director of Finance pay for the expense on a University-owned credit card.
The second option for receiving ASUP funds is to have a club representative fill out a Reimbursement and Payment Request Form for each expense covered by the ASUP allocation. Be sure to put the address of the payee, as this is important for the Controller's office (where checks are written) and their records. Copies of any original contracts, receipts or invoices must be attached. If the payee is an individual for a service performed (e.g. speaker, DJ, etc.,), he/she will need to complete a W-9 form found on the Controller’s website. This is necessary for tax purposes. Amounts must be exact, as no payments with the amount left blank will be issued.
After receiving a club's request for reimbursement or payment, the ASUP Director of Finance sends it to the University's Controller's Office where all payments are finalized. Because the ASUP Director of Finance is not in the office every day, and because the University's Controller often has high volumes of work, any check requests should be placed on the ASUP Director of Finance's desk at a minimum of two weeks before the funds are needed. Otherwise, there is no way of ensuring that you will receive the money by the time needed.