Category: Marketing and Advertising

Can I write in chalk on campus to advertise my event?

Recognized clubs, student organizations, and campus departments may use sidewalk chalk to advertise an event or promote messages related to the group’s mission and purpose provided they obtain permission in advance from the Office of Student Activities. Permission may be obtained by sending submitting a request on Engage at least three business days in advance.

Once approved, chalking is allowed under the following guidelines:

  • Only non-toxic, erasable chalk may be used; permanent markers, grease-based chalk, spray-on chalk paint, and/or any other forms of paint are not permitted.
  • Chalk may only be applied to horizontal, solid surfaces exposed to the sky such as campus sidewalks, walkways, and patios near residence hall entrances and the Pilot House where rain waters will naturally wash it off.
  • Chalk may not be applied to streets, parking spaces, the Bell Tower Plaza, the entryway to the Chapel of Christ the Teacher, the Seal of Holy Cross on the Academic Quad, benches, or any vertical surfaces (including, but not limited to, sides of buildings, step faces, stair risers, pillars, and trash receptacles).
  • The application of chalk may not deface decorative symbols or engraved text located on the sidewalks.
  • Chalk messages must be attributed to the sponsoring group or the messages will be subject to removal.
  • All messages must be respectful and appropriate for the general public, including children and other campus guests.
  • Messages deemed to be hateful, offensive, or construed to be threats of emotional or physical harm toward an individual or group are not permitted, will be removed, and parties found responsible will be referred to the Associate Director for Community Standards for review.
  • Arrangements must be made for approved event promotion messages to be removed within 24 hours of the completion of the event or the sponsoring group could be subject to removal charges.