Social Gathering Protocols

Guiding Principles

Community is important at the University of Portland. Being in the company of others to learn, serve, celebrate, and socialize is a hallmark of the Pilot experience. We are confident that by working together we can continue to gather in ways that prioritize our health and care for each other. We offer these social gathering protocols guided by science, in accordance with policies provided for our county and state, and grounded in our Holy Cross values.

There will be opportunities for students, staff, and faculty to gather for a variety of social and educational opportunities, but consistent adherence to the guidelines from Multnomah County Health Authorities and the Governor’s Office will be the baseline standard for our health practices and risk reduction strategies as we aim to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

For public events in closed spaces where there would be prolonged exposure to other individuals, we emphasize the need for appropriate physical distancing and wearing of masks, conforming to the over-arching standards established by the University. More opportunities to gather and be active outdoors and in other well-ventilated spaces will be created.

As Multnomah County transitions through different phases, and as new strategies and information become available, these protocols will be updated accordingly.