Welcome to Campus Ministry!
Highlights and Events

Lent and Holy Week
Christians celebrate the holy season of Lent as the 40 days leading up to the Paschal Triduum, which is the observance of Jesus' Passion, death, and Resurrection. We invite the campus community to join us in this special time to grow in holiness through the offerings that Campus Ministry makes available. Please follow the link below to our Lent and Holy Week page to see what we're up to this Lent!

Academic Liturgy Schedule
Beginning Sunday, January 12 and running through Friday, May 2, the Chapel of Christ the Teacher will observe the following liturgy schedule: Sunday Masses: 10:30 AM and 4:15 PM • Daily Masses: 12:05 PM • Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tuesday 7:00 - 8:00 PM and Friday 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM • Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday 7:00 - 8:00 PM. Join us as well on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month during the Spring Semester for Masses offered in Spanish at 1 pm in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. Masses in Spanish for the month of April will be celebrated on April 13 and April 27. All are welcome. *The first Sunday of Spring Break, March 2, only the 10:30 AM Mass will be offered. There will be no Adoration or Reconciliation the Tuesday of Spring Break.

Hall Mass Schedule
Hall Masses will be taking place on the following days of the week. Mondays: Corrado @ 9 PM Christie @10 PM • Tuesdays: Mehling @ 9:15 PM and Kenna @ 9:30 PM • Wednesdays: Haggerty & Tyson @ 8:00 PM, Lund Family @ 8:30 PM, Fields & Schoenfeldt @ 8:30 PM, and Villa Maria @ 10 PM.

Our Catholic Identity & Mission
What You Believe and Why You Believe It
Campus Ministry at the University of Portland provides opportunities for all members of the community to grow in awareness of God’s presence and God’s invitation to communion. For Christians this includes growing in the capacity to know, believe and live out the Good News of Jesus Christ. This flows from our grounding in the Catholic tradition inspired by the charism and spirituality of the Congregation of Holy Cross.

Prayer Resources
Faith in Practice
We offer prayers from our Catholic tradition, the wider Christian tradition, and a variety of faith backgrounds and traditions present in our campus community. Visit our resource page for a variety of prayers and other information or submit your own prayer request to our community of faith—we would love to pray for and with you!
Holy Cross Homilies
YouTube Sunday Homilies
Campus Ministry invites you to virtually join our Sunday homilies from the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. New homilies are added to our YouTube channel several times a month, so check back frequently to see how our Holy Cross priests edify our community with prayerful and thoughtful insights into the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Multifaith Resources & Special Programs

Ecumenical & Multifaith Resources
Celebrating the diversity of our UP community means supporting all students in the practice of faith, following in the mission of the University to educate both the heart and mind. In addition to opportunities that embrace Catholic spiritual growth and exploration, we offer a wide variety of on and off campus resources for students from faith traditions outside the Catholic faith.

Faith Sharing Communities
Faith sharing communities at UP complement your academic journey as you explore and respond to the longings of your deepest self. In addition to making new friends, the gatherings and adventures you experience in these communities promote personal reflection, fruitful conversation, and compassion toward others. Students of all faiths, including those who do not identify with any specific religious faith, are welcome in these circles of fellowship.

Feeding the Heart, Mind, and Soul
Retreats & Pilgrimages
Campus Ministry offers a variety of opportunities for students to retreat from the busyness of school and enter into a sacred space. Experiences like retreats and pilgrimages provide unique benefits to students, allowing them to explore their identity, gifts, and vocation in unique and amazing places in our community and around the world.