Special Accommodations Tickets
Category: Commencement Tickets
What are Special Accommodations tickets?
Within your five (5) ticket limit, we offer special accommodations tickets, you will indicate on your order form in the Commencement checklist if you need special accommodation tickets:
Mobility Tickets:
- Wheelchair-Access tickets – required for a guest who will remain in their wheelchair for the duration of the ceremony.
- Limited Mobility tickets – required for a guest who can only walk up a maximum of five (5) stairs to access their seating.
- Please enter the quantity of tickets needed.
- Please request two tickets if you would like the special accommodations guest to have a companion sit with them. Special Accommodation ticketed guests and their companion will not be seated with the rest of your guests.
Communication Access Tickets:
- Communication Access tickets – optional for a deaf or hard of hearing guest whose primary language is ASL and would like to be seated near an ASL interpreter. Please note: The ceremony will be live captioned and shown on the video board in the Chiles Center which is visible for all guests. Guests are welcome to bring their own device to view live stream and captions.
- Spanish Language Access tickets – optional for a guest whose primary language is Spanish and would like to receive headphones to listen to a live translation of the Commencement ceremony.
Other Special Accommodations Tickets
- Other – required for a guest who does not fall in to one of the above categories. Please share how we can best accommodate by emailing commencement@up.edu.