Arjun Chatrath DBA

Pamplin School of Business, Professor

Arjun Chatrath DBA



Franz Hall 425

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Arjun Chatrath is a Professor of Finance at the University of Portland's Pamplin School of Business. He earned his B.A. in Economics from the University of Delhi, his M.B.A. from the University of Notre Dame, and his D.B.A. in Finance from the Cleveland State University. He has taught courses including: international finance, derivatives and risk management, corporate finance, financial institutions, seminar in finance theory, applied financial analysis, financial management for new ventures, international business, and research methods in finance investments and risk management. His research interests include market microstructure, derivative markets and commodity markets. Dr. Chatrath received the 2006 Senior Fulbright Scholar in Warsaw School of Economics, Poland. He has more than 80 articles in journals, such as Journal of Business, Financial Review, Economics Letters, Journal of Derivatives, Journal of Futures Markets, American Journal of Agricultural Economics and Applied Economics. In addition to his publications, Dr. Chatrath has received several research awards including University Research Award 1999 and has been honored with the Graduate Teaching award in 2003.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Cleveland State University
  • Master of Business Admin., University of Notre Dame
  • Bachelor of Arts, University of Delhi

Curriculum Vita