Drew Harrington
Library, Emerita Dean of the Library
Clark Library
- Master of Library Science, Univ Oregon
- Bachelor of Arts, Ft Lewis College
- Presentation: "Designing the School Library of the 21st Cent
- Article: "2003 AIAJALA Library Building Award Program", Libr
- Book Reviewer for Library Journal, subject area-Visual Arts,
- Book Review column in Newsletter of the Berolund Center for
- Article: "Six Trends in Library Design", Library Journal, 20
Professional Affiliations
- American library Association. 1987 -Present
- Orbis Cascade Alliance. OregonlWashington Consortium. 2000-2
- PORTALS (Portland Metro. Area) Consortium. 1999-2003
- New Mexico library Association. 1976 - 1999
- New Mexico Library Foundation