Elayne Shapiro PhD

Communication & Media, Emerita Associate Professor

Elayne Shapiro PhD


Buckley Center 235


Elayne Shapiro, PhD (1993, University of Minnesota), Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director for the Department of Communication Studies, came to the University of Portland in 1987 from North Dakota State University. She teaches Public Speaking, Leadership, Interpersonal Communication, Conflict and Organizational Communication courses. She is conducting research in computer-mediated communication and health communication. Her research appears in several book chapters, the Journal of the Northwest Communication Association, the Journal of American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, The Journal of College Teaching, and The Journal of Religious Education. Articles about teaching pedagogy have also appeared in The Teaching Professor and Communication Teacher. Orbis Press recently published her book, Reading the Bible: Transforming Conflict, coauthored with Dr. Carol Dempsey.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Univ Minnesota Minneapolis*
  • Master of Arts, Univ Minnesota Minneapolis*
  • Bachelor of Arts, Univ Illinois Urbana*