Franz Hall 427
Jacqueline Waggoner is an associate professor at the University of Portland. She has taught graduate quantitative and qualitative research and statistics, tests and measurement, assessment, and Data Driven Decision Making for over 25 years and is the author of numerous papers and publications. Dr. Waggoner was an external evaluator for a multi-year Federal Department of Education Small Learning Communities grant as well as for school evaluation grants. She currently holds teaching and administrative licenses in the state of Oregon and has supervised inservice and preservice teachers. Dr. Waggoner has been requested to write five expert testimony court declarations for Superior Courts of the State of Washington in regard to the use of Bayesian statistical analysis. She has been Chair of the Assessment Committee for the School of Education at the University of Portland since 2006 and has testified before the Teachers Standards and Practices Commission of the State of Oregon regarding measuring P-12 student achievement during Clinical Practice experiences. She became Coordinator of Advanced Graduate Programs for the School of Education in 2012 and was part of a three member team for the State of Oregon Program and Unit Approvals and national accreditation by the National Council for the Accreditation of Colleges of Teacher Education (NCATE) resulting in our School of Education receiving Commendations in Diversity and Assessment.