Joane T. Moceri, PhD, MN, RN, is a Professor at the University of Portland, School of Nursing and Health Innovations. Dr. Moceri completed her PhD in Nursing Science degree at the University of Washington in 2006 and MN with an emphasis on Communities, Populations, and Health degree at the University of Washington Tacoma in 2000. She joined the faculty of University of Portland in 2012 after teaching at the University of Washington and founding a community college nursing program. She served as the dean of the UPSON from 2015-2018. Her research interests include bias in the nursing workplace, increasing underrepresented populations in nursing, and emergency nurses’ knowledge and attitudes about pain.
- Doctor of Philosophy, Nursing Science, University of Washington
- Master of Nursing, University of Washington
- Bachelor of Science, Nursing, University of Washington
- A study of the relationship between international nursing immersionexperiences, study abroad, and the development of cultural competencePrincipal Investigator, (B. Braband, K. Wilson-Anderson, Co-PIs)
- A study of the relationship between international nursing immersionexperiences, study abroad, and the development of cultural competencePrincipal Investigator, (B. Braband, K. Wilson-Anderson, Co-PIs)
Recent Publications
- Wellborn, J. & Moceri, J.(2014). Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Health Related Qualityof Life. Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Care, 41(2), 122-126.
- Krautscheid, L., Moceri, J.,Manthey, L., Stragnell, S., & Neal, T. (2014). A descriptive study ofJournal of Nursing Education, 53(3), S30-33, DOI: 10.3928/01484834-20140211-02.
- Moceri. J. T. (2014). Hispanic nurses’ experiences of bias in the workplace, Journal ofTranscultural Nursing, 25(1), 15-22.