Category: Data Access FAQs
A lot depends on the purpose of the request. The IR office has ongoing plans to make common aggregate metrics needed for accreditation and assessment purposes available on the IR website using Tableau dashboards. Because the university-wide strategic plan is a major focus of the IR office, data requests with the purpose of supporting the strategic plan are a high priority. However, external agencies often make data requests with very little turnaround time. Mandatory reporting to the federal government (i.e. IPEDS) is ongoing throughout the year and is another major task. Other mandatory reporting to ensure continued funding from grant agencies are prioritized. Requests from media reporters, educational institution ranking agencies, and data sharing consortiums also typically require diligent attention. Therefore, if the purpose of the request ties to these ongoing projects, it is welcome.
For requests of individual level data, please refer to FAQs on Data Protection.
University of Portland
5000 N. Willamette Blvd.,
Portland, Oregon 97203-5798