Category: Research Subjects
Physical discomfort, pain, injury, illness, or disease brought about by the methods and procedures of the research.
Psychological effects may be experienced during the research situation and/or later as a result of participating. Includes anxiety, stress, fear, confusion, embarrassment, depression, guilt, shock, loss of self-esteem, and altered behavior.
Alterations in relationships with others that are to the disadvantage of the subject, including embarrassment, loss of respect of others, labeling with negative consequences, or diminishing the subject's opportunities and powers in relation to others. Economic risks include actual costs to the subjects for procedures, loss of wages or income, and damage to employability.
Risk of criminal prosecution or civil lawsuit when research methods reveal that the subject has or will engage in conduct for which the subject or others may be criminally or civilly liable.
Confidentiality is presumed and must be maintained unless the investigator obtains the express permission of the subject to do otherwise. Risks include invasion of privacy, as well as the social, economic and legal risks outlined above.
University of Portland
5000 N. Willamette Blvd.,
Portland, Oregon 97203-5798