Lead @ UP

In an effort to simplify the application process for students interested in leadership roles, the Moreau Center, Campus Ministry, Residence Life, and Student Activities, have created a universal application that can be completed just once. This creates an efficient process for students interested in more than one leadership role.

Access the 2021-2022 Lead@UP Application in ENGAGE under the "Forms" tab.

2021 Timeline

  • Monday, March 1: Lead @ UP Application Goes Live

  • Wednesday, March 17: Application Due

  • March 18 - April 1: Interviews Conducted and Decisions Made

  • Tuesday, April 6: Offers Made 

  • Friday, April 9: Confirmations Due

*Please note that students can still access the application to apply for open positions. However, many positions are now closed so please check with the departments before submitting a late application.*

503.943.7470 | stuact@up.edu