A medical leave of absence may become necessary if you experience a documented medical or psychological condition that significantly limits your ability to function safely or successfully and meet your responsibilities as a student at the University of Portland. In such cases, you can request a voluntary MLOA from the University until you and your medical provider believe you’re able to return and achieve your academic goals. A granted MLOA allows you to leave school without subsequent academic impact, on the condition that you return within three semesters.
Please note that each student’s situation is unique, and this checklist is not meant to be comprehensive of all the impacts that a medical leave may have on your academic progress or financial aid. You can view University’s full medical leave of absence policy in the Current Bulletin (Section K).
Begin the petition process by meeting with the Associate Dean of your school or college to discuss the academic impacts of taking a medical leave, and other potential options that may best serve you. Other options to consider may include withdrawing from a course or courses or taking a regular leave of absence.
2. Medical Leave Form
Your associate dean will email you an electronic copy of a Medical Certification form for your medical provider to complete and return to the Office of the Associate Provost. This paperwork should be completed and returned as soon as possible to ensure that your eligibility for a MLOA is not affected.
Next, you should meet with the Office of Financial Aid if you would like to discuss the financial implications of taking a medical leave. You can expect to discuss your date of withdrawal and academic progress as it pertains to the satisfactory academic progress policy, and how these factors may affect any scholarships/grants you are receiving. If you have work study employment on campus, you can also discuss how that may be impacted. You can view the medical leave of absence policy as it pertains to financial aid in the University Bulletin.
If a medical leave is granted, your financial aid for the current semester may be adjusted based on federal, state, and institutional policies. If a credit balance refund was issued prior to your medical leave, you may be required to return some or all of the funds to the University of Portland. You may also be required to pay any nonrefundable fees and/or fines charged to your account upon notification of such amount due.
Office of Financial Aid
finaid@up.edu, 503.943.7311
For students living on campus, you will contact your Hall Director and the Office of Residence Life to alert them of your leave and arrange a move-out date. Once you have fully moved off campus, your Hall Director will communicate with the Housing Coordinator in the Office of Residence Life to arrange a refund for the unused portion of your housing contract and meal plan (dependent on the time of year that you move out).
Office of Residence Life
reslife@up.edu, 503.943.7205
For international students, you will meet with International Student Services to discuss the impact that a medical leave of absence may have on your J-1 or F-1 visa status.
International Student Services
iss@up.edu, 503.943.7367
When the medical leave form has been received by the Office of the Associate Provost, the Associate Provost will review the recommendation of your medical provider. If your leave is approved: