
Look to the Artists

The first in her tribe to earn an MBA, Shyla Spicer ’18 builds community for Indigenous artists in Portland.

  • Story by Nika Bartoo-Smith


The Giving Tree

The oak at the heart of campus continues to inspire—and connect The Bluff's past to its vibrant future.

  • Story by Cheston Knapp


Workaholics Anonymous & Me

She went to the meeting as a reporter writing a book about work patterns and policies in America. But when the Workaholics Anonymous group handed her the checklist definition for a “workaholic,” she started to ask questions about her own relationship to work.

  • Story by Brigid Schulte ’84

Editor's Highlight

“In a time so bent on dividing us, it’s refreshing, and maybe even subversive, to focus on the things we have in common, like this tree...” - Cheston Knapp, Portland magazine’s senior writer and associate editor, from "The Giving Tree"


Redemption Story

Indigenous siblings work toward the health and wellbeing of Portland’s Native community.

  • Story by Emily Nelson ’19


In the Words of My Grandfather

A historian tracks down a stray thread of his family history in a Swiss archive.

  • Story by Peter Boag ’83


A Bold Idea, 20 Years and Going Strong

For two decades, Scott Hatley ’01 has fought for the dignity of people living with disabilities.


Burgers for Everyone

Fond memories of a generous teacher lead to a meditation on the Eucharist.

  • Story by Philip Metres