
Welcome, our cherished alumni from the 1950s and earlier!

This year, we have the special honor of celebrating the milestone anniversaries of the Classes of 1950 and 1955, marking 75 and 70 years since their graduation. 70 Year PinDuring Saturday’s brunch following Mass, we look forward to presenting these commemorative lapel pins to honor seven decades of being proud Pilots. Help us also celebrate the newest inductees into the 50-Year Club—the Class of 1975—joining you in this distinguished legacy of UP tradition.

Spouses and guests are warmly invited to join in this memorable occasion.

Reunion is a wonderful chance to reconnect, reminisce, and make new memories at your UP home. I’m excited to see you on campus and to personally welcome you back.

In Pilot Pride,

Gina Amato Yazzolino ‘96
Assistant Vice President for Constituent Engagement