Together with the UP Office of Alumni Relations, the Air Force ROTC program sends periodic updates to alumni of Det 695. Since the Spring 2021, this has helped create a network of current and former officers to help mentor and guide current cadets, and extend a sense of family connection for graduating second lieutenants as they report to their first duty station.
Please fill out a short survey to tell us a little bit about your life after leaving The Bluff and if you have any interest in serving as a resource for one of our current cadets. This survey should only take 2—3 minutes of your time, but can leave a lasting impression on our future officers.
Robert S. Grainger, PE, PMP, F.SAME
Colonel, USAF (Ret.)
Associate Vice President, RS&H
UP Class of 1994
University of Portland
5000 N. Willamette Blvd.,
Portland, Oregon 97203-5798
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