Air Force ROTC Alumni Chapter


To our Detachment 695 Alumni,

Together with the UP Office of Alumni Relations, the Air Force ROTC program sends periodic updates to alumni of Det 695. Since the Spring 2021, this has helped create a network of current and former officers to help mentor and guide current cadets, and extend a sense of family connection for graduating second lieutenants as they report to their first duty station. 

Please fill out a short survey to tell us a little bit about your life after leaving The Bluff and if you have any interest in serving as a resource for one of our current cadets. This survey should only take 2—3 minutes of your time, but can leave a lasting impression on our future officers.


Scott GraingerAFROTC Chapter Logo

Robert S. Grainger, PE, PMP, F.SAME

Colonel, USAF (Ret.)
Associate Vice President, RS&H
UP Class of 1994


 DET 695 Patch