Mission | University of Portland


Campus Ministry at the University of Portland provides opportunities for all members of the community to grow in awareness of God’s presence and God’s invitation to communion. For Christians, this includes expanding one's capacity to know, embrace, and live out the Good News of Jesus Christ in a community of fellowship and hope. This part of the Catholic tradition emerges from the rich charism and spirituality of the Congregation of Holy Cross. 

students with lighted candles at outdoor prayer service

Together we seek to:

  • Explore the deepest longings in one’s life
  • Promote experiences that affirm and embrace the dignity of all as God’s cherished children
  • Participate in reflective and welcoming communities of interreligious dialogue
  • Pose and explore questions about God, faith, and spirituality
  • Respond generously to the needs of the world and those around us


As a Christian Community we:

  • Learn of Jesus Christ and His message of faith, hope, and love
  • Celebrate and worship in hall and campus prayer services and liturgies 
  • Put into action the liberating and compassionate teachings and ministry of Jesus 
  • Grow in the practice of personal prayer and faith sharing
  • Actively participate in the formation of our University's Christian identity
  • Develop the capacity and awareness to discuss Jesus and His teachings with people of diverse religious traditions with mutual respect, integrity, and love

About the Congregation of Holy Cross:

The religious priests and brothers of the Congregation of Holy Cross have lived and served at the University of Portland since 1902. This community of Catholic, apostolic men work to make God known, loved, and served through ministries of education, parish, and mission around the world. Their presence at the University in classrooms, residence halls, chapels, and administrative offices, alongside women and men dedicated to the University’s mission, enriches the campus community with opportunities to grow in faith and service.