Pilot MAP: Experience

"There's a ton of really good information available at the Career Center, which can be intimidating at first. The staff there did an awesome job of helping me construct a plan to use these resources, and I feel great about managing my search for an internship next semester. Also, Career Center's social media presence is fantastic and I absolutely love the posts - please keep them coming!" - junior communication major

Research & Discernment:

  • Continue to learn about the hidden job market by conducting at least six Informational Interviews
  • Keeping track is important, consider using the Target Employer & Application Sheet
  • Complete the Skill Identifier to assess your skills, and help prepare for interviews
  • Start to plan for your post-graduate path - not all Pilots go to full-time work, consider post-graduate service and graduate school options
  • Schedule an appointment with the Moreau Center to learn about post-graduate service opportunities
  • Get involved in areas you are considering getting involved in - volunteer
  • Talk to your advisor, faculty members, and Career Center professionals about graduate school admissions, and create a timeline for completing the applications
  • Explore Fellowships & Grants

Tell Your Story:

  • Conduct a mock interview in the Career Center - better to practice Interviewing now than the day before you have a real interview!
  • Explore the Job Search resources to see different ways to organize your career planning time

Get Involved: