Career Education Center FAQs

For Students & Alumni

  • Where is the CEC & when are you open?

    We are located in Franz Hall 110.

    Our office hours are Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. We are open throughout the year, including during the summer.

  • What & when are Drop-In Hours?

    During Drop-In Hours you can meet with a staff member for 15 minutes. No appointment is needed and they are first-come, first-served. This is a great place to get feedback on resumes and cover letters, get started on an internship or job search, learn how to use Handshake and LinkedIn, and answer any other career-related questions you may have. Hours are as follows:

    • Monday | 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
    • Tuesday | 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
    • Wednesday | 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
    • Thursday | 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
    • Friday | 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

    Note: We do not have Drop-In Hours during Fall Break, Winter Break, Spring Break, or during the summer. Please schedule an appointment if you'd like to meet with us then. Alumni cannot attend Drop-In Hours but can make appointments with our office.

  • How do I schedule an appointment? What topics can we discuss?

    Individual appointments can be scheduled by calling 503.943.7201 or scheduled online 24/7 using HandshakeHere are instructions for scheduling an appointment online. 

    Appointment Topics Include:

    • Career Counseling
    • Career Exploration
    • Choosing/Changing a Major
    • Applying to Graduate/Professional School           
    • Resume & Cover Letter Draft Review
    • Job Search, Networking & LinkedIn
    • How to Use Handshake
    • Internship Search
    • Interview Preparation
    • Mock Interviews (Practice interview)
    • Negotiating a Job Offer
    • And more!
  • Where can I find job and internship postings?

    If you are a student or alumni looking for a job or internship off-campus, visit UP's job and internship board, Handshake.

    If you are a student looking for a job on-campus, visit the Student Employment Job Board. The Office of Financial Aid maintains a student employment page, which contains many helpful resources.

    If you are looking for a full-time position at the University of Portland, please visit the job board maintained by Human Resources.

  • Where can I find information about CEC Events?

    You will can find information about workshops, events, and career fairs in:

For Faculty & Staff

  • Will a CEC staff member present in my class or club meeting?

    Please complete the Presentation Request Form with at least two weeks advance notice If you would like to have a staff member present in a class. Presentation requests are reviewed each Wednesday. We typically follow up on requests received by Tuesday evening on Wednesday afternoon. 

  • What are some resources I can provide students seeking guidance?

    • The UP Career Readiness Guide is a comprehensive student centered resource on career-related topics including career readiness competencies, career management model, and navigating college and career.
    • The RATE tool is a digital self-assessment to help students capture and describe the value of their experiences and how they contribute to their career readiness and what employers and graduate schools seek.
    • Through Handshake students can search for internships, part-time and full-time entry-level positions, schedule appointments with Career Education Center staff and access a variety of virtual and in-person events. 
    • StandOut is a mock interview practice tool that has over 3,500 interview questions. Faculty can also customize interview questions.
    • Sample Faculty Reference Letter from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
    • Additional student focused resources on a variety of career topics can be found in the Career Resource Library in the left hand navigation.  

For Employers

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