Claire Vondenkamp '24

Claire Vodenkampposing with Next Port sign.Next Port: Employed as an Event Assistant at Fuller Events 

Major: Organizational Communication

Minor: Fine Arts

What are you most excited about for your Next Port?

Having a steady income, moving into an apartment with a friend, traveling the world.

What piece of advice would you give to yourself as a first-year student?

Don’t compare your college experience to other people’s experience. Yours will be different and that is great!

What experience at UP had the most impact on shaping your career goals?

Campus Program Board (CPB)!

What is CPB? Good question!

CPB is dedicated to providing students with fun, safe, and social activities, fostering community, pride, and involvement. Student volunteers may serve on the Campus Program Board's leadership team to coordinate programs such as Riverboat, Rock the Bluff, Dance of the Decades, Flavors of PDX, and more!