Michael Lang '24

Michael Lang posing with Next Port sign.Next Port: Pursuing a PhD at Purdue University 

Major: Mechanical Engineering

What are you most excited about for your Next Port?

I am excited to provide for a more sustainable future through my graduate research at Purdue. I look forward to meeting countless people along the way! 

What piece of advice would you give to yourself as a first-year student?  

I would advise myself as a first-year student to keep as many doors for opportunity open as possible. What may seem like small decisions at one point in time can have a major impact on life beyond college. 

What experience at UP had the most impact on shaping your career goals? 

Engaging in undergraduate research within the Mechanical Engineering department at UP gave me essential insight into what the work of a graduate research assistant might look like, and I am grateful to have had that opportunity. My engagement with activities and groups beyond Mechanical Engineering, such as the Honors Program and The Beacon, gave me well-rounded writing and speaking skills that caught the attention of many professors I connected with at other institutions during my graduate school search.