Pieter Digumarthi-Dykstra '21 | University of Portland

Pieter Digumarthi-Dykstra '21

Pieter Digumarthi-Dykstra '21Major: Finance, Operations & Technology Management
Next Port: Strategic Enterprise Risk Management Analyst at Wells Fargo

What are you most excited about for your Next Port?

I am excited to play a role in the technological transformation of risk management. As well as performing advanced analytics on aggregated enterprise risk.

What is your favorite memory from UP?

My favorite memory is the daily walks across campus. Seeing my friendly classmates and faculty made me feel at home.

Was there a faculty or staff member, or department that specially helped you land your Next Port?

Professor Dunnaville provided me the first opportunity to take a leadership position on campus. The OTM faculty developed a robust curriculum that blends business, technology, and quantitative skills. I frequented Dr. Gudigantala and Dr. Mitchell in office hours, who helped me navigate career options.