Rob Hughes '21 | University of Portland

Rob Hughes '21

Fuel Market Analyst at Star Oilco

Major: Finance

Rob Hughes"I worked at Star Oilco as a fuel market analyst, while forming leads into customers, creating fuel market reports and generating bid's to acquire  bigger customers. When I started out I was thinking I would primarily be an office monkey, but I am out in the field about as much as I am in the Office. From this peculiar internship, I have also learned how to lay asphalt, replace fuel pumps and fix fuel tank problems on trucks. This Internship has given me more opportunities to understand what working in an office is truly like, while giving me the opportunity to be out in the field. It led me to figuring out how much truly goes into a commodity that we utilize everyday. 

I was able to obtain this internship through my personal selling class that was taught by Joe Barhoum. He brought in the owner of the company in, Mark Fitz, to speak about his life and experiences running a business. I never realized that approaching him after class would lead to us and other members of our team going out lunches and dinners; as well as him connecting me to so many influential people. He has allowed me to feel like a member of the Star Oilco team and I am truly grateful. 

I realized through this internship that you need to be yourself. If you do not fit into a company when you are truly yourself, that is not the company for you. By doing this the office welcomed me in rather quickly and I became trusted with more opportunities to show what I can do for them. I was soon allowed to go through company finances and help with equipment and field work. You are not limited to the job assigned to you, but limited by what you are willing to speak out to try and accomplish. Don't be afraid to ask to try and do something, it will only show initiative and drive."