Charges & Responsibilities

The Study Abroad Academic Advisory Subcommittee  (SAAAS) in accordance with the NWCCU policy on third party contracts for educational services shall: 

1. Provide Academic Oversight of Study Abroad Programs 

Regularly review and approve study abroad programs that have run at least one year, based on program information assembled by the UP Study Abroad staff (e.g.: including program promotional materials, budget, syllabi, activity and excursion descriptions, health/safety assessments, student evaluations), considering the following criteria:

  1. Are program learning objectives clearly identified and appropriate? 
  2. Do excursions and other program-required immersive activities advance learning objectives and are culturally appropriate? 
  3. Does the program offer courses that are academically compatible (contact hours, and calendar) for UP requirements? 
  4. Does the program employ instructors who meet minimum requirements to serve as UP teaching adjuncts?
  5. Are programs integrated into the student's overall academic experience (by satisfying degree or core ed requirements, by enhancing a student's overall program of study, and/or by developing skills that enhance career readiness)? 
  6. Does the program provide instructional support and student support services? 


2. Use the review criteria above to classify programs as follows: 

  1. Green: No major concerns with regard to 1-6 above, next program review in 3-5 years (interval set by committee). 
  2. Yellow: Some concerns with regard to 1-6 above, next program review in 1-2 years (interval set by committee). 
  3. Red: Major concerns with regard to 1-6 above, program should be suspended for one year, revised to address concerns, and reviewed by committee before it runs again. 

3. Review and approve new programs, using criteria (1) 1-6 above, with proposal to the full Internationalization Council, at the request of the Director of Education Abroad, and with feedback from relevant academic departments. 


4. Design curricular review and articulation process to be implemented by each UP Academic department for determining UP equivalent credit for courses taken on UP approved Study Abroad programs. 


5. Follow the most recent standards for study abroad programs established by the Forum on Education Abroad (or equivalent national professional association), such as the Forum's Standards of Good Practice. CISGO works with UPs Office for International Education, Diversity, and Inclusion leadership to recommend broad institutional policies and goals for programs of study abroad and other opportunities abroad in accordance with the NWCCU policy on third party contracts for educational services. Annual reports will be provided to the Provost/Faculty Senate as part of the reporting responsibility of CISGO.