Exchange Program | University of Portland

Exchange Program

An exchange program is a study abroad program where UP students enroll in courses at a foreign university and, in exchange, students from the foreign university enroll in courses at UP. Our partnerships with Emlyon, Sophia University, and Sogang University* are exchanges. These exchange placements are typically limited in number each year, and must remain in balance (i.e. student mobility requires the same number from each side to be interested in traveling at the same time). Exchanges are often specific to an academic department – students are sometimes restricted to enrolling in certain departments – and as a result, the recruitment for the program originates from the academic department.  Students opting for exchanges typically are required to have a high degree of independence and self-reliance, as they often end up being one of many international students in a term, and need to navigate the support services on their own.  Exchanges also tend to require a lot of additional administrative support from the UP side, as UP applicants are one of hundreds or thousands joining larger institutions overseas.