Faculty-Led Program | University of Portland

Faculty-Led Program

UP Faculty have the opportunity to develop their own education abroad program where they serve as instructors and program coordinators on Faculty Led ProgramsTo ensure UP complies with safety and liability requirements, all Faculty Led programs will need to work with a Services Provider. Faculty will be required to work with Third Party Providers, like IES, CAPA, GEO, or Holy Cross Mission sites etc., who can help coordinate local logistics, arrange housing, rent classroom space, identify additional lecturers or guest speakers, coordinate field trips and travel, and manage risk management on the ground, etc.  

A Third Party Provider for Faculty Led Programs can be an existing study abroad program provider, or depending on the needs of the program, it could also be a travel coordinator, housing provider, an NGO, Education Services Provider, or a Holy Cross Mission. Any provider MUST carry (and demonstrate) Limited Liability insurance, be willing and able to sign a Services Agreement, and satisfy institutional vetting standards (including risk management minimum requirements). 

Where there is no existing or suitable Third Party Provider available, faculty may be required to reconsider their location. 

There are a variety of Faculty Led Program models that UP faculty can participate in. (Please note, this opportunity is not currently available for adjunct faculty.) 

      1. Faculty in Residence 

This opportunity invites UP Faculty to plug into the existing infrastructure on one of a few overseas programs to teach and participate in overseeing student life on the ground.  Faculty from any school can propose to teach a course during the summer on the UP Salzburg program. Spanish Language faculty can teach a on a rotational basis on the ILACA Granada Spring program.  

The Faculty in Residence program could also include working with an existing Third Party Provider to customize a standard offering, adding a course taught by a UP faculty member to the list of regularly offered courses.  UP students would be required to enroll in the visiting UP faculty course, in addition to having access to the other courses offered to other students enrolled in the regular Third Party program. This could be possible for semester or summer programs. 

Finally, there may be additional teaching opportunities where UP faculty are invited to teach on a summer program overseas, without any obligation to also enroll UP students.  For example, the University of Sophia summer program is often seeking additional faculty (especially Business), and there may be opportunities for faculty to teach on the summer program at John Cabot University (especially Engineering). 


      2. Faculty Led Summer 

UP Faculty can propose to lead a program during the summer term, utilizing existing partnerships to serve as the program logistics provider. Programs can be as short as 2 weeks up to six weeks or more.  Faculty may deliver course content before and/or after the travel experience, but it must all take place during the summer academic term. All academic content would be designed by UP faculty, though depending on program design, could be supplemented by on-site Program faculty, as needed. Because students cannot access institutional aid over the summer, and may not have access to Federal Financial Aid (depending on how many credits student enroll in for the entire summer term), summer programs have more recently been particularly challenging to run.  


      3. Faculty Led Embedded 

Embedded programs involve students enrolling in courses during the fall or spring terms with travel immediately following or preceding the term.  This has been a common practice at UP, however after reviewing recent Title IV (Federal Financial Aid Rules), all travel and course content must conclude prior to the start of the following term.  Fall embedded travel could commence up to two weeks prior to the start of the fall term or must conclude by December 31st. Spring Embedded travel could commence up top two weeks prior to the start of Spring term, or must conclude prior to the start of summer term.  Given the limited time available between terms, especially after spring, the easiest way to ensure compliance with embedded travel is to consider travel during the fall or spring break.  Depending on the length of the embedded program, the ability to work with a Third Party Provider to assist with logistics may be more limited. 


Faculty Led Program Proposal 

A comprehensive Program Proposal is required for any of the Faculty Led Programs a minimum of one year in advance of the program, or immediately following the conclusion of the program for renewals.  For faculty wishing to repeat programs, student feedback will be required as part of a renewal proposal.  Proposals are reviewed by CISGO, with feedback and final recommendations made to the Provost’s office.  

All expenses for faculty led programs must be included in the program budget and finalized prior to publicizing the price of a program and opening applications. 


Review and Approval Process 

  1. Faculty submits proposal(ideally in consultation with SA).  
  2. Study Abroad Office Reviews Proposal, ensures Chair/Dean signs off, compares proposal against Registrar Guidelines and Financial Aid rules. (Draft budget is created at this time with the faculty and program provider/partner).  
    • NOTE: All required elements must be completed and submitted before review can take place.
  3. Study Abroad completes Recommendation Form (NEW), submits to CISGO with completed Fac Led Proposal (syllabi, Chair/Dean sign off).
  4. CISGO reviews proposal (with Syllabi), along with SAO. recommendation, completesRecommendation Form(NEW), submits to Provost. 
  5. Office of the Provost makes final decision on program.  

 Proposals need to be aligned with Registrar Policies for start and end dates, as well as with connect financial aid rules. 

Note: Marketing for programs will not take place until the Office of the Provost has officially signed off on the proposal. (This includes having a final budget draft to list a final program price, and complete proposal details, including syllabi, etc.)