Deans' Messages to the Class of 2020

University of Portland's academic deans have some parting words for the Class of 2020. 

College of Arts & Sciences

"No matter what the next chapter in your life will be—in graduate school, performing service, or in a professional role—we know that what you have learned here at UP will give you the tools to be engaged in this changed world." — Dean Herbert Medina 

Pamplin School of Business

"You have excelled in  your business discipline, you have gained a global perspective so you can work with anyone, anywhere. You have developed an ethical lens that helps you make the right choices. And you have built a business network as you gained valuable experience practicing your profession." — Dean Robin Anderson 

School of Education

"Today, more than ever, our communities need educators prepared to lean into the challenges of the times." — Dean John Watzke

School of Nursing

"I am filled with hope and promise for all that you will take into the world." — Dean Casey Shillam

Shiley School of Engineering

"You discovered a path—a path that is yours alone. You discovered a strength—a strength that is yours alone."— Interim Dean Matthew Kuhn