Designation for Events & Sponsored Events Policy

Statement of Policy

The grounds and facilities of the University of Portland constitute University property and are to be used to accomplish the work of the University’s mission. Therefore, students, and the faculty and staff acting in support of their education, have priority for the use of campus spaces.

The University also recognizes that events sponsored and/or coordinated by external parties may further UP’s mission. Thus, external parties are encouraged to participate in and hold events at UP. While external parties are welcome, the University must prioritize the needs of its students, staff, and faculty. Further, the University must ensure that its people and property are treated with respect; that it is fairly compensated for providing resources and services; that it is protected against liability; and, that its name and reputation are protected.

This Policy governs how the University designates events (as Internal University Events, Sponsored Events, and External Events) and welcomes external parties to campus. 

An external party is anyone who is not a University of Portland student or employee. Though Alumni, Donors, and other friends of the University are significant to us, they are still considered external for the sake of this policy.

Internal University Event

An event qualifies as an Internal University Event if:

  1. It aims to further the goals of a University department or organization.
  2. A University department determines the schedule, content, and logistics.
  3. The event is identified and promoted as a University program.
  4. The event is not intended solely to generate revenue for any external party.

Criteria and Responsibilities of Internal University Events:

  1. The University entity must be a college, department, or recognized University organization.
  2. A representative from the University entity must attend the event for its duration.
  3. A representative from the University entity must act as the contact with the events/conferences office for the program and all arrangements.
  4. Registration for the event (if applicable) must be on a university-supported website.
  5. The University entity must create and manage the budget for the event from department or organization resources.
  6. The University entity must provide a budget number to cover the University’s incurred costs.

Obligations of the representative from the University event include:

  1. Request venue(s) through the EMS Web App online form.
  2. Pay for services not provided by the University, when applicable.
  3. Pay any audio-visual, security, and overtime labor fees when applicable.
  4. Pay catering charges when applicable.


  1. The University discounts the published rate for the facility by 100%, except for summer residential rental fees, which the University does not discount.
  2. The University entity pays outside rentals and catering charges directly from your internal department or division.
  3. Subject to limited exception, no supplemental insurance is required.
  4. No contract is required.

Example: “The University of Portland Garaventa Center hosts (Speaker).”
Audience. Your event's audience will consist of University of Portland students, faculty, staff, alums, and public/guests.
Content. You design and drive the agenda or program to include outside experts or performers that fit your department or organization goals AND the mission of the University of Portland.
Host. You are the host of the event and attend the entire event.
Income. To recoup reasonable expenses, you may charge students, faculty, staff, alums, and public/guests a reasonable entry fee.

Sponsored Event

A Sponsored Event involves collaboration between a University entity and an external organization to further the University’s mission.

  1. You aim to further the goals of your department or organization by aligning with an outside organization in a manner that supports the mission of the University. Your event might be an academic program, conference, retreat, or meetings involving two entities: a University entity and an external organization in which the University holds membership or maintains a relationship that directly benefits the University community.
  2. The external organization is primarily responsible for determining the event's agenda, content, costs, and logistical arrangements.
  3. A sponsored event must not interfere with or divert space or other resources from the University's scheduled programs and activities.

Criteria and Responsibilities of Sponsored Events:

  1. The event must support and benefit the University's educational, social, and/or mission and vision.
  2. The event's purpose is directly related to the activities of the University entity.
  3. The appropriate University officer with the authority to commit to the university’s financial resources has authorized the event.
  4. The University entity must directly participate in the event and approve all literature promoting the event. All event literature must display “In Partnership with the University of Portland,” an approved University logo, and the name of the University entity.
  5. A representative from the University entity must be present in the facilities being used and accountable for the duration of the activity and its related use.

Obligations of the University entity and external organization:

  1. You complete and submit an Event with External Party Application for the event and submit the application to University Events/Conferences at least (15) business days before the event.
  2. You secure an email approval from the President, Division VP, or Provost and forward a copy to University Events along with the application.
  3. An event is not confirmed until the Event with an External Party Application has been evaluated and approved by University Events and the VP of University Relations as deemed necessary.
  4. Events should not be announced or advertised until the Event with External Party Application has been approved.
  5. You approve all materials promoting the event.
  6. You ensure that all event literature displays “In Partnership with the University of Portland,” an approved University logo, and the name of the University entity.
  7. If additional sponsors of the event and their logos are included in any event materials, you ensure that the University of Portland logo appears the same size and treatment as other sponsor logos.
  8. The University entity is responsible for any damages incurred and charges that remain uncollected after sixty (60) days.
  9. The University discounts the published facility rental. The outside party pays this fee directly to the Events department.
  10. The University charges the published fee for AV services, security, and overtime labor (NOT discounted), and the outside party pays the fees directly to the University Events department.
  11. The outside party must pay catering charges when applicable.
  12. The outside party must sign a University of Portland Contract.
  13. The outside party must provide a Certificate of Insurance consistent with its contract with the University.
  14. If there is a charge to attend, the charge should be an attempt to cover the cost of the event only.


  1. Facility rental fees will be reduced by forty percent (40%).
  2. The University entity in collaboration with Events/Conferences, will work on logistics with the external organization.

Example: “School of Business hosts the PMI workshop.”
Audience. University of Portland students, faculty, staff, or alumni are the audience for your event. The public or members/employees of the outside organization are also an audience for the event.
Content. You have a say in choosing the content, talent, or presenters. The event is consistent with your departmental goals AND the mission of the University.
Host. The outside party is the primary host of the event.
Income. The party may charge students, faculty, alumni, and staff a small entry fee to recoup reasonable expenses.

External Event

External events are those organized by an outside group without a University department or organization's sponsorship.

Criteria and Responsibilities of External Events:

  1. The event must be consistent with the mission of the University in the sole discretion of the Vice President for University Relations or the President.

Obligations of external events include:

  1. The outside party works directly with Events/Conferences to coordinate the event reservation and logistics.
  2. The Directors of University Events/Conferences seeks approval from the VP of University Relations as deemed necessary.
  3. The outside organization develops the content and promotes the event.
  4. The outside organization may not create communication that implies endorsement of the event by the University or any University department or organization.
  5. The outside organization pays the University’s published rate as the rental fee.
  6. Internal AV costs are NOT discounted and paid directly by an outside party.
  7. AV services, security, and overtime charges are paid directly by outside organizations.
  8. The outside organization must sign a University of Portland Contract.
  9. The outside organization must provide a Certificate of Insurance consistent with its contract with the University.

 Example: “Meeting for Organization” or “Workshop for Organization”

Audience. The primary audience consists of external guests, not University students or employees. A few internal attendees may be present.
Content. All event content is developed and delivered by external personnel.
Host. An external person or organization is the host.
Income. The external organization may or may not charge a fee for attendance.



The terms of this policy may be modified for specific events at the discretion of the President.

Approved January 2025