Norman Hilker


What was it like being among the first in your family to go to college?  Tell us about your story, and what you think has helped you succeed so far at UP?

I was aware before coming to the University of Portland that both of my parents attended college for only a few years, so I thought what I was going into was normal and that four years would be the norm. But once I read an email that I qualified as a first-generation college student, it really hit me - aiming for these four years isn't just a goal or achievement, it's a mantle that I'll carry for the rest of my life. This alone made the transition to UP much more exciting!

 What does it mean for you to be a part of the FGEN community and to be a FGEN Student Ambassador at UP?

To be a part of the FGEN community means that for those who don't have as many advantages as others, not to mention those who feel cast out from a certain majority, a massive opportunity is waiting for them. To be an FGEN student ambassador not only elevates my status among the community, but it also helps me want to encourage others to achieve their potential and show them that their dreams are closer than they think.

What is your advice to FGEN students at UP who are facing challenges?

Do not stop. Ever. The challenges you face may be a different idea to go within a project or a complete rejection of your presence from a community, but that shouldn't change you. Always keep moving forward, and be open to new things, because you never know what paths they could take you on.

Has a mentor played a role in your experience at UP?  How so?

Yes, my peer mentor helped give me some extra guidance during my first year through occasional meetings that were very low-key. That atmosphere showed me that the things I want to achieve during my four years here aren't stressful if you really think about it.

What resources have been significant, meaningful, or helpful for you during your UP experience?

Matt Daily is the most resourceful and most kind staff member at the University because he's even willing to help out students that aren't FGEN and is 100% focused on the student experience and making the most of one's four years. Even if I had a small question or clarification with an assignment or event/meeting, you can tell he'll do everything to make sure I got it right, and I can't thank him enough for his willingness to help out in any situation.

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