Gat Bol '17

Gat BolMajor: Marketing
Minor: Education

What does it mean for you personally to be a part of the FGEN community here at UP?

It feels good to know people are in the same situation as me and people are willing to help me out. Being a first gen student can be tough because no one in your family has felt what you’re going through. 

What was meaningful or helpful for you this last year?

The resource center and using office hours were key!  My first two years I was kind of scared to attend office hours and the resource center. Last year I took full advantage of it and had the best year academically. 

Were there certain people you connected with on campus, organizations that you found meaningful, or faculty/staff/members of the community that made a lasting impact for you?  How so?

Fr. Thomas. I had a class with him, and he was really helpful and was always excited to see me. 

Any other thoughts or advice you would share with FGEN students younger than yourself here on campus that can help them?

You are surrounded by people willing to help you with anything you need. Take advantage and get your money's worth.