Samantha Mercado '24

samantha-mercado.jpgMajor: Pre-Med, Biology

What was it like being among the first in your family to go to college?

Being the first in my family to go to college was an exciting, but also difficult experience. I didn't know what to expect since I didn't really have anyone to go to, and being online for my first semester made it a challenge. What really helped me was having my f-gen mentor and my first-year workshop leader because I was able to receive advice for academics, the pre-med route, socializing virtually, and the ropes of college!

What does it mean for your personally to be a part of the FGEN community and, specifically, to be a FGEN student ambassador?

For me, personally, being part of the FGEN community gives me the opportunity to interact and be with others who may have similar situations when it comes to being a first-generation student. We are able to share our own experiences that may be very useful to someone else. To be an FGEN student ambassador means to be proud of the first-generation identity and being able to promote and create more of a community to welcome first-generation students.

What is your advice to FGEN students at UP who are facing challenges?

My advice would be to always ask questions. It seems hard and can be nerve-wracking, but the more comfortable you get with it, the easier it is to receive help. It took a while for me to reach out to my professors and mentors because I was worried about asking a dumb question, but I've learned that they really do want to help you and have no issue doing so!

Did a mentor play a role in your experience?

My mentor played a role by encouraging me to talk to my professors and learn how to register for classes. She advised me to talk and go to my professors for help because they do want to help.

What resources have been significant, meaningful or helpful for you so far during your UP experience?

The FGEN community has been very helpful in helping me navigate my way through school and hosting a variety of beneficial events! I also became more involved with the Latinx Student Union which has made me feel proud of my Latinx identity and has made me more confident.