Sitra Mohammed '24

sitra-mohammed.jpgMajors: Nursing 

What was it like being among the first in your family to go to college?

Being among the first person in my family to attend college was both a challenge and an opportunity. I often struggled to fit in or connect with my peers on small things. I was always anxious, trying to prove to others that I was on the same level as my peers. At the same time, being the first opened new doors to opportunities I would not have had otherwise. Being active in programs directed toward first-generation students and surrounding oneself with other FGEN students have aided my success as a student and individual. 

What does it mean for your personally to be a part of the FGEN community and, specifically, to be a FGEN student ambassador?

Being a part of the FGEN community and an FGEN student ambassador is incredibly significant to me since I was surrounded by people who had the same objective but faced the same challenges. Through this level of education, I could connect with many individuals from many walks of life to support each other and discover resources to reach one common goal: establishing a community to assist one other.  

What is your advice to FGEN students at UP who are facing challenges?

My advice to first-generation students at UP who are experiencing difficulties is to know that the feelings they are experiencing are quite typical, but don't allow that to prevent you from reaching your full potential. Instead, reach out to other students and faculty members, and don't be afraid to ask questions; everyone is eager to help. 

Did a mentor play a role in your experience?

Mentorship played an important role in my experience during the past two years since I had someone I could always turn to when I was having trouble. It was much easier to talk to someone my age who was also going through similar things as me, as they understood what I was going through. I was able to speak to them about both academic and personal matters. 

What resources have been significant, meaningful or helpful for you so far during your UP experience?

Resources that have been significant, meaningful, or helpful for me so far during my UP experience were office hours and the different clubs I was involved in throughout the year. The office hours helped me become more engaged with my academics and connect with my professors. On the other hand, the clubs allowed me to socialize and meet new people outside my major.