Kieurstyn Camacho '24

kieurstyn-camacho.jpgMajor: Business, Finance 

What was it like being among the first in your family to go to college?

Being the first to go to college in my family has its pros and cons. The pros of it are that I have so much support from my family in attending college, motivation, and being a role model for the younger ones in my family. But, the cons to it is when explaining how things work in college I feel they don't understand or they don't know the value/importance. When this happens, I always catch myself simplifying it for them. I had to learn how to use my outside resources like school clubs, teachers, mentors, etc. to help me at times. But, most of the time I put that pressure on myself to find it out myself instead of going to others.

What does it mean for your personally to be a part of the FGEN community and, specifically, to be a FGEN student ambassador?

Being an FGEN ambassador truly has a high value in my life. Since I met my mentor back in freshmen year I knew I wanted to become one! I think I gave it enough though because I knew coming on campus my for the first time during my sophomore year, I wasn't mentally, physically, or academically prepared to be a mentor for another. But now, that I know how things work here and made some connections of my own, it pushes me to be a great mentor for those who were once in my spot.

What is your advice to FGEN students at UP who are facing challenges?

I would say always reach out! No one is going to know what you're going through, struggling, etc. with until you say something! I promise you someone is always there willing to help you!

Did a mentor play a role in your experience?

Yes, as I mentioned before my family wasn't one to really talk to about problems with classes, etc. but my mentor being a marketing major, helped and guided me on what classes to take academically!

What resources have been significant, meaningful or helpful for you so far during your UP experience?

Learning commons have been a big and great help! The professors have been amazing!