Daniela Rosas Martinez '24

daniela-rosas-martinez.jpgMajor: Business, Marketing

What was it like being among the first in your family to go to college?

Being the first in my family to go to college has been one of my greatest accomplishments. As a first-generation, there is no one that knows what the process is like firsthand, and therefore although they might want to help you they can't. My family has always encouraged me to receive a higher education, however as a low-income household and I knew I was going to have to figure out how to pay for school. Being the first can be scary but with the right resources, anything is possible. During this process, I learned how to be resourceful and reach out to people that could give me advice or point me in the right direction. I quickly realized how many programs there were for students who were struggling like me. All these programs combined helped me find a community where I felt safe and understood. I strive to be a good role model for my younger sibling and make my family proud.

What does it mean for your personally to be a part of the FGEN community and, specifically, to be a FGEN student ambassador?

Being an FGEN Student Ambassador is a way for me to give back to my community. I want to be able to help students find the resources they need to be successful and be someone they can rely on. Being a part of the FGEN community allowed me to feel connected to campus and gave me an opportunity to connect with other students as well. Overall, I want to share the FGEN community with new students and make sure they know that they have someone in their corner.

What is your advice to FGEN students at UP who are facing challenges?

My advice to first-generation students at UP is to step out of your comfort zone. Reaching out to staff, faculty and mentors is tremendously beneficial. Not being afraid to ask questions and ask for help. The answer is always no until you ask. Remember that you are not the only one struggling and that the FGEN community is here to support you throughout the process.

Did a mentor play a role in your experience?

My mentors played an incredible role in my experience. On campus I found myself reaching out to staff and faculty who were also first-gen for help and was surprised by how many people were willing to help me. It was encouraging to see people who were in the same place be successful. It really showed me that the hard work will pay off and all the sacrifices made will be worth it.

What resources have been significant, meaningful or helpful for you so far during your UP experience?

The career center and LSU have been extremely helpful in my transition. Professionally, the career center has helped me network and taught me skills that I can't learn in the classroom. Personally, LSU has been a safe space where I can connect with students who share similar experiences.