Oscar Brown '24

Major: Philosophy and Psychology 

What was it like being among the first in your family to go to college? Tell us about your story and what you think helped you succeed. 

A little bit daunting for the first couple of weeks as I arrived knowing nobody at all on campus and was unsure about how college life really worked - all I had heard were stories. However, staying in Schoenfeldt Hall I was able to find a good, solid community - it really helped that the RAs and Hall Directors emphasized social meetings for the first few weeks or so. I am also part of an athletic team and so that gave me a really strong foundation for support and friendship which allowed me to become integrated into college life a lot more smoothly and easily. 


What does it mean for you personally to be a part of the FGEN community and, specifically, to be a FGEN student ambassador? 

It means that I have the opportunity to be in a position where I can share my experiences and advice with new incoming FGEN students to help make the process of joining a new college as easy as possible. It means acting as a reliable resource for both the students and their families, but also being in my opinion more personable than just that and forming a close relationship with them. In a broader sense, being an ambassador gives me the opportunity to make a meaningful difference to campus life at UP - hopefully impacting first-year students in a way in which they can continue themselves for years to come. I hope to be able to emphasize this sense of community and build on the strong foundations UP already has on campus. 


What is your advice to first-generation students at UP who are facing challenges? 

To not go through things alone, and to not be afraid to reach out for help. It may feel intimidating to begin with, but it's important to understand that there are many others facing the same challenges and that the resources are there on campus to help. I would also emphasize the necessity of really trying to break out of your comfort zone and try new things, meet new people, and ultimately widen your experiences. 


Did a mentor play a role in your experience? Why or how? 

The seniors on my athletic team played a massive role in my experience by accepting me into a community that will be there for the rest of my life. They explained all the unique intricacies of college life, from how to sort class schedules to where classes are held, and most importantly provided me with a social group where I felt appreciated and that I belonged. I would emphasize the importance of the social aspect for any new FGEN students, as this is what I believe will contribute most to student happiness. 


What resources have been significant, meaningful, or helpful for you so far during your UP experience? 

The Hall directors and RAs in residence halls played a significant role, particularly at the beginning of my freshman year. Although I did not engage with the organized events as much as I could have, knowing that events would be held semi-frequently always made me feel like I was being taken care of. I was lucky enough to form a pretty solid relationship with a few of the RAs and the Hall Directors which helped me feel like I was almost "coming home" after a school day. 


Is there anything else you wish to share that has not been mentioned or asked? 

Once again, I would emphasize the importance of ensuring each student has some form of social support or feels that they are part of some sort of social group.