Writing & Faith: A Literary Panel

Celebrated writers read from their works, followed by a moderated panel examining how their faith influences and intersects the inspiration, process, and products of their imaginations, 3/28/19. The panel includes:

Poet and fiction writer Rachel Jamison Webster, Director of the Creative Writing Program at Northwestern University, whose new book Mary is a River, is out now and (among many other things) considers and creates using the voice of Mary Magdalene. 

Poet, professor and scholar Sr. Eva Hooker, CSC, Professor of English and Writer in Residence at Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana. Her most recent book of poetry, Godwit, has been described as pastoral, startling and luminous.

Novelist and essayist Allison Grace Myers, who currently teaches at Texas State University, is working on her first novel. Her essay "Perfume Poured Out," was published by Image Journal, and was honorable mention for the 2017 Best American Essays anthology. 

Poet GC Waldrep, Professor of English at Bucknell University, whose new book Feast Gently, was just released by Tupelo Press. GC is the acting director of the Stadler Center for Poetry at Bucknell, and editor of West Branch magazine. 

Moderator Matthew Minicucci, Adjunct Instructor for the UP English Department.

Co-sponsored by the Garaventa Center, UP Dept of English, Schoenfeldt Distinguished Writers Series and Portland Magazine.