Faith and Intellectual Life Discussion Group

Wine and books imageAll UP faculty and staff are welcome to participate in the Faith and Intellectual Life Discussion Group (FILDG). We read and discuss ideas that matter in a convivial gathering, with good people and reasonable refreshments. If you have suggestions for readings, poems or images to share, contact Bring a friend!

2024/25 Meeting Dates 

Fridays on 1/31 and 4/4
3:30 - 5PM
Franz 426 (Murphy Conference Room)

Readings for 9/20/2024:

Vincent Miller: "Tears and Ashes"

Sam Anderson: "The Last Two Northern White Rhinos On Earth"

Readings for 11/15/2024:

Ferris Jabr: "Earth's Mysterious, Deep-Dwelling Microbes We Are Only Starting to Understand"

Charles Simic: "Stone"

Readings for 1/31/2025:

Marcia Bjornerud: "Timefulness - How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World"

Readings for 4/4/2025:

Derek Thompson: "The Antisocial Century"

Michael Hofmann: "Night"

Bibliography of Past Readings