Green Dot Training

Interested in learning more, getting involved or being trained? Please fill out our interest form or email us at

Green Dot Overview for Students

This 1-hour training introduces the basic elements of Green Dot and the issues of power-based personal violence prevention. Students will:

  • recognize behaviors that may constitute dating/domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking and their warning signs.
  • review strategies to prevent harm if they've seen a warning sign, reduce harm after violence has started, and reduce the likelihood that it will happen at all.
  • recognize barriers that may prevent them from doing something and develop realistic options to act given their unique barriers.
  • find out what they can do to contribute to a campus culture that doesn't tolerate power-based personal violence.

Green Dot Bystander Intervention Training

This 4-hour training takes people further in addressing power-based personal violence through interactive exercises, role-playing and other activities that they practice skills for identifying warning signs of violence, interventions for preventing or reducing harm, and creating a culture of nonviolence at UP. If you want to increase the likelihood that you will actually intervene when you see the warning signs that violence is, or is about to, happen, please sign up! This training will increase your skills and confidence in preventing and responding to signs of dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking.

Green Dot Training for Faculty, Staff, and Administrators

This 1-hour training introduces the basic elements of Green Dot, focusing specifically on the vital role university employees play in establishing and reinforcing the culture that students and colleagues exist within. The program is designed to help employees understand current patterns of campus power-based personal violence and, within their specific role/setting, methods that establish two norms: (1) power-based personal violence won't be tolerated, (2) everyone - including faculty, staff, and administrators - does their apart to keep the campus community free from violence and fear of violence.


Green Dot Training & Events Calendar


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