Category: Privacy Concerns
If your parent, guardian, spouse or other family member is the policyholder for your health insurance plan (meaning if your plan’s policy is in their name and they pay for it), any Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements will likely be sent to their address.
If you do not want your health insurance plan to send mail containing your personal health information to your family address, you need to submit a confidential communication request to your insurance company. It can take up to 30 days for your insurance company to process your request, so it’s best to do this as soon as possible. It will be your responsibility to ensure that your current mailing address is correct if you are concerned about a bill or EOB being sent to your family’s address. Information and instructions for requesting confidential communications from your insurance company can be found here.
If you receive healthcare services at the Health Center, our billing company will bill your health insurance plan. Any remaining balance (such as copays, coinsurance, or deductible) will then be billed to you. This bill will include information about the services your received. At the time of scheduling your appointment at the Student Health Center, you will need to provide a local/mailing address that you receive mail at in order for your bills to be sent directly to you.