Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) provides support to traditionally difficult classes with high DFW rates (Ds, Fs, and withdrawals). We offer PAL facilitation to students in NRS 325/326 and MTH 141.
Participating in PAL sessions might be your best learning strategy. Our data reveals that students who participate in PAL sessions are more likely to receive an A or B in their course than those who do not attend.
86% of recent survey respondents believed that participating in PAL sessions resulted in a higher course grade.
Research consistently shows that this form of supplemental instruction helps to reduce the number of students who Drop, Fail, or Withdraw from these courses. Peer-assisted learning is considered to be a high-impact form of peer educator support.
University of Portland
5000 N. Willamette Blvd.,
Portland, Oregon 97203-5798
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