Yes, you can book up to two back-to-back 45 minute appointments. However, please be mindful that our peer tutors are students too. They need time to study, do homework, and take care of themselves. Also, our tutors need to be accessible to everyone, so please do not book an excess number of appointments per week.
How do I cancel/modify an existing appointment?
If you need to change or cancel your appointment please use the "Change Your Appointment" link at the bottom of the first email you received (the confirmation email) to adjust/cancel your appointment. Youcannotalter an appointment within 12 hours of the start time.
Please be courteous and mindful of your peer tutors. Appointments must be canceledat least 3 hours prior to the appointment start time, so that our tutors can have time to adjust their schedules accordingly. If you cannot cancel an appointment with at least 3 hours prior notice, please attend your appointment as scheduled.
Is there a limit on the number of appointments I can book?
Yes. Math tutoring appointments are limited to 60 minutes per week, per person. In-person appointments are available Mondays - Fridays between 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM in Buckley Center 163. Alternatively, online tutoring appointments are available throughout the week, including weekends.If you need additional time, please consider using our drop-in hours (schedule below), visiting professor office hours, or accompanying a friend to their appointment (be sure to let the tutor know you are bringing a friend; each student can book up to 60 minutes per week).
Can I bring a friend with me to my tutoring appointment?
Yes! If you are bringing a friend, please be sure to let the tutor know when you are booking your tutoring appointment so they can plan accordingly.
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