Orientation is an important time not just for students, but for families, too. To help ease the college transition for new students and their parents, grandparents, spouses, and other family members, we've put together this list of resources. You will be welcomed into the UP community through access to a pre-arrival orientation platform. This platform will provide new students and family members with a wealth of information about our Holy Cross mission, the academic experience, involvement opportunities, and the support services we provide here at UP. Staff from Parent & Family Engagement will also be hosting some virtual events this summer and offering a variety of resources to prepare for your arrival. To ensure you receive important onboarding information and updates, please update your information.
Parent and Family Members - Staff from Parent & Family Engagement are a resource for families as they partner with you in your student’s journey at UP. Sign up for the Pilot Family Portal to stay updated on important dates and events, and to remain connected to the UP community. Reach out to parents@up.edu for support or to answer questions you as you transition into the Pilot family.
Hotels and Local Accommodations — Several hotels in the area offer discounts to UP visitors.
FERPA — The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. In our efforts to adhere to FERPA guidelines, University of Portland administrators will not release certain information to parents without the submission of authorization from students.
Pilot Speak — Welcome to the University of Portland! Now that you are officially a Pilot, you’ll need to know the lingo. If someone asks to meet you at the Pilot House after class in BC Aud or to go to Espresso UP the day after Founder’s Day, you'll know what they’re talking about!
Transit and Travel — There a lots of ways to get around Portland. Whether you're traveling by car, bus, bike, or taxi, it's easy to get from Point A to Point B.
FGEN — Please visit the Shepard Academic Resource Center page to learn more about first generation resources at UP.
Information Services (IS) — IS provides assistance for all things technology-related at University of Portland. Contact the Help Desk (help@up.edu or 503.943.7000) for support for computing, networking, web services, telecommunications, technology help, and media services, or stop by the Help Desk in Franz Hall 112.
Consumer Information Report/Disclosures — The University of Portland’s consumer information reports that are available upon request from various University of Portland offices.