All times listed are Pacific Standard Time (PST).
For those new students who will be living on campus, check in at the Office of Residence Life to pick up your keys and move-in information.
9:00 a.m..-5:00 p.m. Acquire Student ID Card (Haggerty 100)
If you have not already, visit the Campus Safety Office to acquire your student ID card, also known as "Pilot Card". Pilot Cards are an official form of identification on campus and are used for access to various buildings and athletic events, checking out library books, and using meal points.
9:30 a.m.. - 3:30 p.m. Student Employment Support (Waldschmidt 110)
Many students choose to work during their college experience, either on campus or through a local community partner. If you would like to work, you will need to complete your Federal I9 and Federal and State W4 forms in order to be eligible for a campus job. Please stop by the student employment office for information and support. You will need certain documents to complete these forms, please refer to this debagged for more information: Student Employee Check List. It is also recommended that students set up direct deposits for payments and refunds.
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Help Desk (Buckley 106)
If you need assistance connecting to the UP WiFi, or connecting your devices, feel free to drop in, call, or email the technology help desk: 503-943-7000, or
By Appointment: International Student Orientation Session (Buckley Center 112)
International Student Orientation is required for any F-1 or J-1 student new to University of Portland. Students in other visa statuses, or with dual US citizenship/residency are welcome to join us, but not required.
9:30 a.m.. Registration and Check-in (Pilot House)
10:00 a.m..- 11:00 a.m.. Welcome to UP (Pilot House)
This event kicks off your orientation program! After a special welcome from University President Dr. Robert Kelly and Associate Director for Parent Engagement, Bryan Rose, meet your new peers and learn about the history and engaging culture at UP. We will walk through the schedule for the school year and answer any questions you have about transitioning into our community.
11:00 a.m..-Noon What is a UP Liberal Arts Education? (Shiley 301)
The liberal arts, in contrast to the vocational arts, put a particular emphasis on the intrinsic value of knowledge through the lenses of academic disciplines in the arts and sciences that have stood the test of time. This emphasis is critical to preparing students for lives that are both meaningful and productive, allowing the Core to enrich academic majors and allowing students to adapt over time as their lives and work evolve.
Every academic program falls under our College of Arts and Sciences or one of our four professional schools: the Pamplin School of Business, the School of Education, the School of Nursing, or the Shiley School of Engineering. But what's different here is that everyone takes 13 core courses in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. The liberal arts curriculum - which includes classes in fine arts, history, English, math, theology, and philosophy - will give you the knowledge base you need in any field of study to solve complex problems and make effective and ethical decisions.
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. Complimentary Lunch (Commons Terrace Room)
Meet faculty from your chosen major at this informal and complementary lunch
1:00 p.m.-1:45 p.m. Campus Resource Tour (Start at Bauccio Commons)
Walk with the Orientation Coordinators to visit a variety of important offices and spaces on campus. Meet staff in Student Employment, the Learning Commons, Study Abroad, Clark Library, Campus Safety, the University Health Center and many others.
2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Academic & Technological Resources (Shiley 249)
Members of the Clark Library and Shepard Academic Resource Center will talk about a variety of academic resources and supports. A member of our IT team will explain some of the important technologies that are used here at UP.
3:15 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Cookie Break with University President Dr. Kelly! (Shiley 3rd Floor Foyer)
3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Title IX & Green Dot Bystander Intervention Strategies (DB 004)
Meet members of the Title IX team, who will present important information about consent, sexual or gender-based harassment, misconduct, or violence by giving definitions and examples of what these terms mean and information on how to access support and resources. The presentation will also outline what the Title IX process entails and what options are available to students involved in a Title IX matter, as well as information on how to get involved in student trainings and programs focused on preventing harm on campus, such as the Green Dot bystander intervention program.
4:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Questions and Answers with Student Orientation Coordinators (Pilot House)
As orientation comes to a close, this is an excellent opportunity to get any of your lingering questions answered before classes begin on Tuesday.
5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Dinner (Bauccio Commons)
If you are living on campus, you will get the opportunity to share a meal with your hall staff. If you are a commuter student, you will meet the staff of the Commuter Student Lounge and learn about a variety of resources available.
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Open Gym
8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Pilots after Dark Preview (Pilot House)
Every Friday and Saturday evening from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the Pilot House, the Office of Student Activities offers a free programming series, Pilots After Dark. Get a small taste of what this fun and dynamic programming is like! Decorate your residence hall room or spaces at home to mark the start of your Pilot experience.
1:00 p.m. Downtown Portland Excursion (meet up at the Pilot House)
Navigate the Portland mass transit system, TriMet, on a trip to downtownn Portland on the 44 bus. Visit Powell’s Bookstore, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream shop, and other iconic Portland sites. .
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Women's Basketball vs San Francisco Dons (Chiles Center Arena)
Your student ID will allow you to attend any of our University of Portland athletic events for free. Come and receive a complimentary UP scarf and cheer on your West Coast Conference Champion Pilots as they battle a conference opponent. You might be chosen to attempt a half-court shot for a prize!
10:30 a.m.. Sunday Mass (Chapel of Christ the Teacher)
The Orientation Mass celebrates the arrival of our new students on the Bluff and blesses them as they begin their academic journey. All are welcomed to help us play with these students, their families, friends, and loved ones, as we welcome them into our UP community. All faith traditions and backgrounds are most welcome to join us!