UP’s Office of Student Activities facilitates active participation in extracurricular activities and leadership. Here are just some of the many different opportunities for students to get involved in while they are on The Bluff!
Mock Trial. College Ecology Club. The Ski and Snowboard Club. Engineers without Borders. Active Minds. Hawaii Club.
These are just a few of the many different clubs and organizations available for students to join and take part in. There are clubs for academic-related interests, sports, cultural heritage, honorary societies, and much more. Want to start your own club? You can!
The Beacon is UP’s award-winning student news source. Check out the all-digital newspaper at upbeacon.com and subscribe to its weekly newsletter.
Follow The Beacon on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Keep an eye on the jobs page for paid positions at The Beacon as a reporter, sports reporter, sports editor, videographer, and more.
For 80+ years, The Log yearbook has provided an annual look at UP through the eyes of the students.
Follow The Log on Facebook and Instagram.
Keep an eye out on the student job boards to work at The Log as a writer, photographer, designer, or editor.
KDUP is UP’s campus radio station. Listen online to one of the 60+ student-hosted shows per semester at kdup.up.edu.
Follow KDUP on Facebook and Instagram.
The University celebrates the cultural and diverse differences among students and values programs that enrich the educational experience for all students.
UP promotes programs that encourage the sharing of different cultural traditions and values such as Diversity Dialogues Week, Dia de Los Muertos, African American Read-in, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Fall Cultural Fest, and much, much more.
Find out more about UP’s Diversity and Inclusion programs and be sure the follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
All full-time undergraduate students are members of the Associated Students of the University of Portland (ASUP), founded in its current form in 1949.
ASUP has a student-elected Executive Board comprised of a president, vice president, director of communications, director of finance, speaker of the senate, and Campus Program Board director. The ASUP legislative body is the Senate, comprising 17 student leaders representing the first-year, sophomore, junior, and senior classes; each of the professional schools; and the College of Arts and Sciences.
All students are encouraged to run for ASUP leadership positions in the Senate or Executive Board — learn more about ASUP and how to get involved.
Follow ASUP on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The Campus Program Board of UP hosts a variety of popular student events including movie nights, Rock The Bluff (a major concert), Dance of the Decades (a large dance in downtown Portland), speakers, and more.
The ASUP Senate allocates funding for these social, cultural, and educational events from the student government fee paid by all full-time undergraduates.
Follow CPB on Facebook and Instagram.
Pilots After Dark is the late night programming series held nearly every Friday and Saturday night on The Bluff. Pilots After Dark events are free, open to all students, and are held at The Pilot House.
Students can count on events including live music from student and local artists, interactive programs like monthly trivia nights, karaoke, and open mic. Be a part of the program planning process by partnering with Pilots After Dark as a student club or organization.
Stay up to date on Pilot After Dark by following them on Facebook.
Orientation is a very special time on campus because it is an opportunity for us to welcome you into our community and assist you in making the smoothest transition possible. Through an exciting and informative program of activities and events, Orientation will help you build relationships with fellow new students, returning students, faculty, and staff.
If you have an awesome time during Orientation — and, of course, you will! — you can sign up to be a part of next year’s Orientation crew.
UP hosts two weekends where parents and families join their students to celebrate their time on The Bluff.
Save the date for First-Year and Sophomore Family Weekend for February 14-16, 2020.
This special weekend allows parents and families to meet their students’ friends and families, as well as administrators, faculty and, staff. It fosters and celebrates the sense of community that is such an integral part of life on The Bluff!